"Woke" people usually have no idea of languages. They do not even know what a "word" or a "name" is.
This idiotic term: "Indigenous inhabitants of the North American Continent" is neither word nor name. It is a description. "Woke" people are probably too lazy or to cowardly or simply too dumb to find words and names.
Bunt sind schon die Wälder, gelb die Stoppelfelder, und der Herbst beginnt.
Funny thing: Because over-woke people in the US have problems with the word "Indian", now super-over-woke and super-diotic people in Germany now want to tell us that the Word "Indianer" is verboten now! Cancel Culture at its worst.
Bunt sind schon die Wälder, gelb die Stoppelfelder, und der Herbst beginnt.